3 Destinations for Family Getaways During Winter

When it comes to family getaways, many factors need to be taken into consideration. On the top of the list is choosing a destination that is suitable for different age groups and can keep every family member entertained. Summer isn’t the only season where families can enjoy a fun-filled break. As the temperature drops, there are plenty of spots around the world where you can relish a warm getaway.  Here’s a roundup of cities that will fill your winter holiday with warmth and fun.

ثمة‭ ‬عوامل‭ ‬عدة‭ ‬يجب‭ ‬أن‭ ‬توضع‭ ‬في‭ ‬الاعتبار‭ ‬عندما‭ ‬يتعلق‭ ‬الأمر‭ ‬بالرحلات‭ ‬الأسرية‭. ‬يأتي‭ ‬على‭ ‬رأسها‭ ‬اختيار‭ ‬المكان‭ ‬المناسب‭ ‬لمجموعات‭ ‬مختلفة‭ ‬الأعمار‭ ‬تحقق‭ ‬لكل‭ ‬فرد‭ ‬في‭ ‬الأسرة‭ ‬المتعة‭ ‬والترفيه‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬ينشده‭. ‬فالصيف‭ ‬ليس‭ ‬هو‭ ‬الموسم‭ ‬الوحيد‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬تستطيع‭ ‬فيه‭ ‬أن‭ ‬نحظى‭ ‬بعطلة‭ ‬مليئة‭ ‬بالبهحة‭ ‬والمرح‭. ‬فمع‭ ‬انخفاض‭ ‬درجات‭ ‬الحرارة‭ ‬يوجد‭ ‬العديد‭ ‬من‭ ‬الأماكن‭ ‬حول‭ ‬العالم‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تستطيع‭ ‬أن‭ ‬تنعم‭ ‬فيها‭ ‬برحلة‭ ‬دافئة‭. ‬إليك‭ ‬جولة‭ ‬في‭ ‬بعض‭ ‬المدن‭ ‬التي‭ ‬ستملأ‭ ‬إجازتك‭ ‬الشتوية‭ ‬بالدفء‭ ‬والمرح‭.‬


To begin with, India is a country that can immerse you with its rich culture, vibrant bazars, and delightful attractions. Take a stroll in Kala Ghoda Art District and feast your eyes on artistic scenery. The visually appealing artwork is bound to impress your little ones too. To shop for authentic Indian jewelry and souvenirs, Pali Hill in Bandra West is the place to be. Kamala Nehru Park is a splendid escape away from the city. Take your family on an afternoon picnic amidst lush greenery and don’t miss out on the entertainment spot in the form of old woman’s shoe sculpture inspired by the children’s nursery rhyme.


فلنبدأ‭ ‬أولا‭ ‬بذكر‭ ‬أن‭ ‬الهند‭ ‬من‭ ‬الدول‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬ستدهشك‭ ‬بثقافتها‭ ‬الغنية‭ ‬وأسواقها‭ ‬المفعمة‭ ‬بالحياة‭ ‬ومناطق‭ ‬الجذب‭ ‬السياحي‭ ‬الرائعة‭. ‬يجب‭ ‬أن‭ ‬تأخذ‭ ‬جولة‭ ‬في‭ ‬منطقة‭ ‬الفن‭ “‬كالا‭ ‬جودا‭” ‬كي‭ ‬تمتع‭ ‬ناظريك‭ ‬بمشهد‭ ‬فني‭. ‬كما‭ ‬أن‭ ‬القطعة‭ ‬الفنية‭ ‬الجاذبة‭ ‬للبصر‭ “‬كالا‭ ‬جودا‭” ‬ستعجب‭ ‬صغارك‭ ‬أيضًا‭. ‬ولشراء‭ ‬المجوهرات‭ ‬الهندية‭ ‬الأصلية‭ ‬والهدايا‭ ‬التذكارية‭ ‬فوجهتك‭ ‬هي‭ “‬بالي‭ ‬هيل‭” ‬غربي‭ ‬باندرا‭. ‬ويعد‭ ‬متنزه‭ “‬كامالا‭ ‬نيهرو‭” ‬ملاذًا‭ ‬رائعًا‭ ‬للهروب‭ ‬من‭ ‬المدينة‭. ‬اصحب‭ ‬أسرتك‭ ‬في‭ ‬نزهة‭ ‬بعد‭ ‬وقت‭ ‬الظهيرة‭ ‬للاستمتاع‭ ‬بالخضرة‭ ‬النضرة‭ ‬ولايفوتك‭ ‬في‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬المكان‭ ‬الترفيهي‭ ‬مشاهدة‭ ‬تمثال‭ ‬حذاء‭ ‬المرأة‭ ‬العجوز‭ ‬المستوحى‭ ‬من‭ ‬أغاني‭ ‬الأطفال‭.‬


With major entertainment and attraction for travellers of all interest, every minute of your vacation will count. See the world’s tallest dancing fountain and get ready to be dazzled by the spectacular sound and light. Whether its midday or night time, nothing beats a family gather up over a nice dining experience while you enjoy the show. The name has never failed it; truly it is Miracle Gardens. Indulge in awe-inspiring scenery amidst bursts of color. Like a dream, the garden is home to over 45 million dreamy flowers and also features colorful pyramids as well as other marvelous sculptures.


كل‭ ‬دقيقة‭ ‬في‭ ‬عطلتك‭ ‬سيكون‭ ‬لها‭ ‬أهمية‭ ‬مع‭ ‬وسائل‭ ‬الترفيه‭ ‬والجذب‭ ‬الهائلة‭ ‬لكل‭ ‬المسافرين‭ ‬أصحاب‭ ‬الاهتمامات‭ ‬المختلفة‭. ‬تمتع‭ ‬بمشاهدة‭ ‬أطول‭ ‬نافورة‭ ‬راقصة‭ ‬في‭ ‬العالم‭ ‬واستعد‭ ‬للاستمتاع‭ ‬بعرض‭ ‬الصوت‭ ‬والضوء‭ ‬المدهش‭. ‬سواء‭ ‬أكان‭ ‬الوقت‭ ‬هو‭ ‬الظهيرة‭ ‬أو‭ ‬الليل‭ ‬فلا‭ ‬شيء‭ ‬يفوق‭ ‬تجمع‭ ‬الأسرة‭ ‬لتناول‭ ‬طعام‭ ‬جميل‭ ‬أثناء‭ ‬الاستمتاع‭ ‬بالعرض‭. ‬أما‭ ‬حديقة‭ ‬الزهور‭ ‬فهي‭ ‬الاسم‭ ‬المناسب‭ ‬لهذا‭ ‬المكان‭ ‬حيث‭ ‬ستستمتع‭ ‬بمشهد‭ ‬خلاب‭ ‬مفعم‭ ‬بالألوان‭ ‬المختلفة‭. ‬فالحديقة‭ ‬تضم‭ ‬أكثر‭ ‬من‭ ‬45‭ ‬مليون‭ ‬زهرة‭ ‬ساحرة‭ ‬وكأنك‭ ‬في‭ ‬حلم‭ ‬فضلاً‭ ‬عن‭ ‬أنها‭ ‬تشمل‭ ‬أهرامات‭ ‬ملونة‭ ‬وتماثيل‭ ‬رائعة‭ ‬على‭ ‬حد‭ ‬سواء‭.‬


Enjoy magical sunsets as you take walks with your family down Muttrah Corniche Pedesterian Promenade. Backed with majestic views of mountains, mosques and buildings; it surely is a place to unwind.  Let your kids explore the beauty of the wild life at Ras Al Jinz Turtle Reserve. Your kids will be able to see rare species of green turtles in their natural habitat. The reserve also features an interactive museum for your kids to learn more about these ancient turtles.


استمتع‭ ‬بمشهد‭ ‬الغروب‭ ‬الساحر‭ ‬وأنت‭ ‬تمشي‭ ‬مع‭ ‬الأسرة‭ ‬على‭ ‬طول‭ ‬ممشى‭ ‬كورنيش‭ ‬مطرح‭. ‬فمن‭ ‬المؤكد‭ ‬أنك‭ ‬ستعجب‭ ‬بهذا‭ ‬المكان‭ ‬مع‭ ‬الإطلالات‭ ‬الخلابة‭ ‬على‭ ‬الجبال‭ ‬والمساجد‭ ‬والأبنية‭. ‬دع‭ ‬أطفالك‭ ‬يكتشفون‭ ‬جمال‭ ‬الحياة‭ ‬البرية‭ ‬في‭ ‬محمية‭ ‬سلاحف‭ ‬رأس‭ ‬الجنز‭. ‬فسوف‭ ‬يتمكن‭ ‬أطفالك‭ ‬من‭ ‬رؤية‭ ‬أنواع‭ ‬نادرة‭ ‬من‭ ‬السلاحف‭ ‬الخضراء‭ ‬في‭ ‬موطنها‭ ‬الطبيعي‭. ‬كما‭ ‬تضم‭ ‬المحمية‭ ‬متحفًا‭ ‬تفاعليًا‭ ‬للأطفال‭ ‬كي‭ ‬يتعلموا‭ ‬المزيد‭ ‬عن‭ ‬السلاحف‭ ‬العتيقة‭.‬

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